
The SCHÜTZ Code of Conduct.

Our management guidelines and code of conduct have always followed the principles of compliance: all activities the SCHÜTZ Group engages in comply strictly with international, national and local regulations.

Our membership in the Compliance Initiative founded by the German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistic (BME) documents our uncompromising commitment to fair, responsible and ethical principles as the key foundation in all business relationships and transactions.

BME Code of Conduct

The BME Code of Conduct is binding for all SCHÜTZ employees and all our suppliers are required to comply with this code.

It lists all fundamental rules and principles regarding:

  • Elimination of corruption and all forms of discrimination
  • Compliance with anti-trust laws
  • Abolition of child and forced labour
  • Compliance with ethical principles in all dealings with suppliers
  • Observance of human rights
  • Environmental and health protection

These values are part of our core business principles.

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